Swansea AMs urge smokers to “swap fags for swags” on No Smoking Day

This week, two local AMs are encouraging thousands of smokers in Swansea to ‘swap fags for swag’ by quitting on “No Smoking Day” on Wednesday 13th March.

Swansea Assembly Members Mike Hedges and Julie James are pleased to be supporting the annual health campaign, run by the British Heart Foundation (BHF), which shows how smokers could treat themselves to all sorts of ‘swag’ if they quit for a day. On average, smokers could save themselves £7 a day; £49 a week; £210 a month, or even up to £2,555 a year.

The “No Smoking Day” campaign is now in its 30th year. Last year, it helped more than 760,000 people quit smoking across the UK and inspired another 1.5 million to seek out information to help them quit in future.

Speaking ahead of the health campaign, AMs Mike Hedges and Julie James said:

“Quitting smoking is not only one of the best things you can do to boost your health, but it’s great for your bank balance as well. Giving it up can be difficult, but there is lots of local support available and working out what you could afford to buy is a great motivator. We’d encourage everyone in Swansea to give it a go and join thousands of others trying to quit on the day.”

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Author: Mike Hedges MS
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