Strengthening the role of Community Health Councils in Wales

Bodies representing patients across Wales will be strengthened following a review of the role of Community Health Councils, Welsh Labour’s new Health Minister Mark Drakeford said today.

The review of the functions and role of Community Health Councils (CHCs) suggested more can be done to ensure they operate effectively and efficiently to make the best use of the talents and resources available.

Thanks to the Welsh Labour Government, Wales is unique in the UK in still having Community Health Councils in Wales. The Welsh Labour Government’s focus now is to make sure that CHCs are working in a way which is sustainable and serves the people of Wales as well as possible.

The Welsh Government has set out a range of actions to strengthen the role of CHCs, to provide a consistent level of service across Wales and to ensure they are representative of communities.

Following the Review, the Board of Community Health Councils was asked to produce a plan on ways of increasing the diversity of its membership. A diversity review has already been conducted; the Board of Community Health Councils will submit a plan to the Welsh Government by the end of June 2013.

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Author: Mike Hedges MS
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