Press Release on new Network of Excellence for Maths

Mike Hedges AM WELCOMES New National Network of Excellence for MathS


A new national network of excellence for mathematics is to be set up to boost standards in Welsh schools, the Welsh Labour Government it has announced.


Mike said… I greatly welcome this news which focuses on the need to improve standards in Maths across Wales. We need to increase the number of people doing maths as a subject at a higher level and this will play a significant part meeting this aim, while also ensuring that people from the younger age groups get access to enhanced maths teaching.


A further £800,000 investment will be made in maths and a network will be created that will involve schools, universities and the regional consortia working together. The network will provide a structured approach for mathematics support for ages 3 to 18 with the organisations involved working together to improve the teaching and learning of mathematics and numeracy in schools and colleges.


The network’s work will include:

  • Extra support to develop leadership in maths and help schools work together in support of higher standards.
  • Supporting teachers, teaching assistants, further education lecturers and others to develop improved classroom practice.
  • Schools and colleges will receive guidance, access to conferences and events on effective teaching practice.
  • New accredited evidence-based professional development programmes for staff to improve their mathematics knowledge, and the teaching and learning of mathematics.
  • Schools will receive support and knowledge from experts and specialists, including information on tried and tested approaches to improve attainment and high quality teaching resources.






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Author: Mike Hedges MS
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