- 14/06/2015
- Posted by: Mike Hedges MS
- Category: Press Releases
People across Wales remain highly satisfied with the NHS according to the latest results from the National Survey for Wales.
Mike Hedges said ‘I welcome these figures which show that people are satisfied with the care they get from GP and Hospitals. I am aware how frustrating it can be to have difficulties accessing GP’s and long waiting times so we have to remain vigilant but this is a very strong base from which to build further success.’
The Survey for 2014-15 shows that 91% of people in Wales were satisfied with the care they received from their GPs and 92% with the care they received at their last appointment at a NHS hospital.
The National Survey for Wales, which began in 2012, is based on face-to-face interviews with more than 14,000 people across Wales each year. The survey collects robust, detailed information on the views and experiences of people in Wales on a wide range of subjects.
Other key results from the National Survey 2014-15 include:
• 96% of hospital patients felt treated with dignity and respect;
• 90% were satisfied with the overall service they received from the emergency ambulance service, and 79% with the time they had to wait for the ambulance to arrive;
The survey for 2014-15 reveals people’s views on the NHS and education, where zero is ‘extremely bad’ and ten is ‘extremely good’. The overall rating for the NHS was 6.3