Press Release on Free funding advice

Mike Hedges welcomes news that Voluntary Sector Groups and Charities can access free online fundraising training


Mike Said …. ‘Many different voluntary sector groups contact me asking for guidance on funding. My office can direct them to funding portals but groups may still lack the confidence and skills to apply on line. Now, thanks to the local giving programme, groups can get on line training on how to access grants. I would urge all voluntary groups and charities to check out this opportunity’

In a world where digital skills are increasingly important, many local charities are being left further behind when it comes to targeting the general public. Localgiving’s UK-wide Regional Development Programme aims to change this, by giving communities the confidence needed to fundraise in the digital age.

In 2015, the Charities Aid Foundation released figures showing Wales to be the “most generous” nation in the United Kingdom. In fact, 80% of those surveyed had donated to charity in the previous year.

However, whilst this enthusiasm for donating is clearly strong amongst the people of Wales, some organisations may feel they still lack the IT skills best needed to approach them.

What groups can expect

Through the Regional Development Programme, Localgiving will provide participating groups with:

  • Free IT and Internet training to raise funds online
  • Access to match funding
  • A dedicated regionally-based project coordinator, who can offer      face-to- face support

The programme is designed to empower community groups with the confidence to take control of their financial future, engage with online fundraising and gain access to the same kinds of online marketing tools available to larger charities

Localgiving will also work closely with organisations like the Welsh Council for Voluntary Action the Community Foundation in Wales and local County Voluntary Councils to strengthen the project’s reach.

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Author: Mike Hedges MS
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