Mike Hedges welcomes Continued funding for British Transport Police

Mike Hedges welcomes Continued funding for British Transport Police
Mike Hedges AM said… This is great news for passengers and for people living close to Railway lines where the Transport Police are an extra resource when dealing with children playing on the Railway lines. I am aware of the great work that the Transport Police do in ensuring Passenger Safety and educating young people about the dangers of playing on railway lines. I am sure that this funding will ensure that this good work continues in the future.
Economy Secretary Ken Skates has announced £1.2m to continue funding the “Tripartite Agreement” between Welsh Government, Arriva Trains Wales and the British Transport Police and to expand the neighbourhood policing scheme.

The continuing revenue grant funding will see £265,000 in 2018-19, £273,000 in 2019-20 and £281,000 in 2020-21 going to British Transport Police to fund their existing additional operational personnel operating in the Welsh Sub Division.

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Author: Mike Hedges MS
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