Mike Hedges asks Vaccine Question to Vaughan Gethin at Senedd

Mike Hedges MS 13:42:49

Very briefly, as we’re all aware, people are concerned regarding the wait for the vaccine. Will the Minister unequivocally commit that vaccines will be provided as fast as is possible?17

Vaughan Gething MS 13:43:02

Yes. Vaccines are being provided as fast as is possible and will continue to be provided as fast as is possible. It’s worth pointing out that if there are any anxious over-80s watching this, not only have we already got to the majority of over-80s here in Wales, it is not the case that England have completed their over-80s programme. There are still gaps and there will still be people in England waiting for their vaccines too. In Wales, England, Scotland and Northern Ireland, we’re all working through as fast as possible in those priority groups, and there will be no let up from the Welsh Government or our hard-working staff within our national health service, who I think are doing a fantastic job and are a credit to our country.

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Author: Mike Hedges MS
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