Mike Hedges AM welcomes news that Welsh Government launch consultation into banning third party sales of puppies

Mike Hedges AM welcomes news that Welsh Government launch consultation into banning third party sales of puppies

Speaking after the announcement by the Environment Secretary, Lesley Griffiths, Swansea East AM Mike Hedges said… ‘I welcome this announcement; I have been contacted by a number of constituents over the last few months as the legislation has come into effect in England, saying why the same law should apply in Wales. This announcement is the start of the process which will see a similar law enacted in Wales.’

I urge people to take part in the process once the consultation commences. I will post details of this on my website in due course.

The Welsh Government, has announced a consultation will be launched in the New Year into the impact of banning the third party sales of puppies and kittens.

The consultation will look to gather evidence on what stage the government should intervene in large scale breeding premises and address concerns about animal welfare.


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Author: Mike Hedges MS
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