Mike Hedges AM welcomes news that Swansea Council have given the go ahead for a futuristic building in Lower Oxford Street which will include greenhouses on the roof spaces.

Mike Hedges AM welcomes news that Swansea Council have given the go ahead for a futuristic building in Lower Oxford Street which will include greenhouses on the roof spaces.

Speaking from the Senedd, Chair of the Environment, Climate Change and Rural Affairs Committee, Swansea AM Mike Hedges said… ‘This is exactly the sort of new build that is going to regenerate the city centre with innovative schemes to enable residents to have green houses on the roof space. This scheme will be the first of its kind in South West Wales and will be the first of many. Making use of roof space to grow fruit and vegetables. I am pleased to see Swansea leading the way in this type of new development.’

A futuristic “living” building which will be home to plants, vegetables, fish and people has been given the go-ahead by Swansea councillors.
The Picton Yard scheme will transform the former city centre Woolworths store, and Picton Lane to the rear.
Greenhouses, terraces and rooftop gardens will sit above two floors of shops and offices.
A 12-storey tower at the rear will contain 44 flats, plus office and educational space lower down.

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Author: Mike Hedges MS
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