Mike Hedges AM supports Living Wage Week

Mike Hedges AM supports Living Wage Week

For living wage week 2018. Mike Hedges is urging employers to find out more and pay their employees a “Real Living Wage”

The Real Living Wage is a voluntary higher rate of base pay. It provides a benchmark for responsible employers who choose to pay their employees a rate that meets the basic cost of living in the UK

The real living wage was devised by charity the Living Wage Foundation. It argues the UK government’s National Living Wage is not high enough to meet workers’ needs and encourages employers to adopt to its more generous, independently calculated rate.
Workers whose employer has voluntarily signed up to the “real living wage” are set for a 2.8% pay rise this week. For the first time they will receive £9 an hour.

Employers that pay the real living wage enable their workers to live a life of dignity, supporting them to pay off debts and meet the pressures of rising bills.

Local Labour councils across Wales have signed up to the Real Living Wage including Swansea.

The Welsh Government has been an accredited living wage employer since 2015

Mike Hedges said:

“I have long campaigned for the living wage it cannot be right that people working full time do not earn enough to live on. Living Wage week is a great opportunity to promote the benefits of the real living wage. Speak to any employer that has become a living wage employer the feedback is always positive from increased productivity, and reductions in staff absence and turnover, to a stronger corporate reputation.”

“The Living Wage foundation do a great job in promoting fair pay. The work they do in arguing for a real living wage is vital to our communities and to the Welsh Economy. I would like to thank everybody who works on this important campaign.”


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Author: Mike Hedges MS
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