Mike Hedges AM says businesses must be prepared

Mike Hedges AM says businesses must be prepared

A local Assembly Member Mike Hedges has urged local businesses to prepare themselves for Brexit and seek advice from Business Wales’s Brexit Portal.

Business Wales is a free service that provides impartial, independent support and advice to people starting, running and growing a business in Wales. With regional centres across the country, they offer a mixture of online and face-to-face support, as well as training workshops and individual advice.

It is now just a matter of weeks until the UK leaves the EU but unfortunately, the UK Government’s approach to Brexit means businesses in Wales are still left with many unanswered questions about what the future holds.

Businesses can assess their preparedness for a no deal Brexit with the Business Wales Toolkit https://businesswales.gov.wales/brexit/brexit-toolkit

Mike Hedges said: “A no deal Brexit would be bad for Wales and bad for businesses in Swansea East, I and the Welsh Government will continue to speak out against this outcome. However it is important local businesses prepare for all eventualities.”

“The actions of the UK Government to run down the clock are making the prospect of leaving the EU without a deal more likely.”

“I would urge businesses to visit the Business Wales portal and find out about the support that is available. It is easy to use and you can find more information at the Business Wales website”

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Author: Mike Hedges MS
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