Mike Hedges AM Again Urges Dog Owners to act responsibly when walking their Dogs

Mike Hedges AM Again Urges Dog Owners to act responsibly when walking their Dogs



Following recent reports of Sporting fixtures being disrupted by incidents of dog mess having to be cleared up from sports fields, Mike Hedges MS for Swansea East has urged dog owners to be responsible and clean up after their dogs.


With the return of local Rugby on council and park pitches, it is a problem for people have got used to walking their dogs on areas where sport has not been played for in the region of 18 months.


‘With the end of the pandemic and relaxation of associated restrictions, local sports clubs are returning to play to find dog mess on their playing fields. It is distressing for clubs who have looked forward to playing their sport again after gaps of many months, only to find that dog walkers have allowed their pets to make a mess on their playing fields and not cleaning it up. There have recently been instances locally and in other areas of Wales; club officials have to inspect the playing area with a bucket and shovel before matches can be played.


It is not a good situation for dog mess can cause horrible complications if it enters the body through cuts and causes infections. People playing in sports fixtures should be able to do so without the worry of what is on the grass.


I would really urge dog owners to be responsible and clean up after their dogs have been to the toilet. I am sure people don’t want to risk the health of children and adults playing sport.’


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Author: Mike Hedges MS
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