Mike backs National Eye Health Week 2012

Swansea East Assembly Member Mike Hedges has today thrown his support behind a campaign aimed at improving and raising the awareness of eye health in Wales.

National Eye Health Week, which takes place between 17th – 23rd September, brings organisations and health professionals from across the Wales together to raise awareness of the importance of good eye health and the need for regular sight tests.

Speaking ahead of National Eye Health Week, Mike Hedges AM said:

“I’m pleased to be backing National Eye Health Week, which aims to promote the importance of good eye health along with the need for regular sight tests to detect any changes in vision and eye conditions.

“It’s important that we are proactive with our eye health by having eye tests at least every two years, especially as half of all sight loss can be avoided with correctly prescribed glasses or by having the right treatment at the right time.”

Ceri Jackson, Chair of the Welsh National Eye Health Week Steering Group added:

“National Eye Health Week is an opportunity for people to come together and raise awareness of the need to be proactive about our eye health in the same way as we would in relation to other health conditions.

“I’m delighted that Mr Hedges has pledged his support and hope that as many people as possible can join us during the week in doing their bit to stop people losing their sight unnecessarily.”

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Author: Mike Hedges MS
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