Mike welcomes school term dates consultation

Swansea East AM Mike Hedges has welcomed the news that the Welsh Government are to hold a 12 week formal consultation exercise on proposals to reform the way in which school term dates are set for all maintained schools in Wales.

The aim of the consultation is to find ways in which to help families that experience problems as a result of variations in school term dates and school holidays.

Currently, there is no legal duty placed on the organisations and authorities responsible for setting school terms dates to work together in order to avoid variations. The Education Minister proposes to change this by placing a legal duty to work together on the responsible organisations and authorities, so that all reasonable steps are taken to agree school term dates on a Wales-wide basis.

Speaking on the consultation announcement, Mike Hedges AM said:

“As both a school governor and parent, I’m pleased that the Education Minister has launched this consultation with a view to harmonising all school term dates on a Wales-wide level.

“Bringing up a family as well as holding down a job can already be a juggling act without having to worry about the problems different term dates cause, including the availability and cost of childcare. It’s important that this issue is sorted once and for all in order to avoid causing families that extra worry and strain on the family budget.

“I would encourage all those with a vested interest, especially parents, pupils, staff and school governors, to feed into this consultation process so that the final outcome really does reflect the views and desires of those affected by the current system.”

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Author: Mike Hedges MS
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