Mike welcomes grant to improve traffic and air quality in Swansea

Swansea East Assembly Member Mike Hedges has today welcomed the news that Swansea Council is set to receive a grant of over £80,000 from the Welsh Government to help improve the local traffic and environment quality levels in the City.

The grant, worth a total of £82,021, will go towards buying and installing three variable road traffic message signs designed to reduce the congestion and air pollution at peak times, which is part of the Swansea Nowcaster Project.

The Nowcaster Project, which was specifically developed for Swansea, computes all of the traffic information and air quality along each road in Swansea every hour and then projects these forecasts for up to eight hours in advance, giving drivers a chance to alter their route into the city to avoid any traffic bottlenecks.

The announcement was made earlier today by the Environment Minister, John Griffiths AM, as part of the Welsh Government’s “Tranquil, Greener and Cleaner Places” programme.

Speaking on the announcement, Mike Hedges AM said:

“We know that built-up areas in Swansea experience some of the worst air pollution and traffic congestion levels in the city, which in turn has a negative impact on the communities and residents that live in these areas.

“The Nowcaster Project, which will benefit from this grant, puts Swansea at the forefront of managing air quality and traffic congestion. Through its early warning system, drivers and commuters will have a chance to alter their route beforehand which in turn will help to reduce the traffic levels in built-up communities as well as improve the air quality.

“Any attempt to improve the air and traffic quality in these Swansea communities should be welcomed and I believe that this grant will go a long way in doing so.”

Environment Minister John Griffiths AM, said:

“I am committed to improving local environments and was delighted to announce the pilot Tranquil, Greener and Cleaner Places programme earlier this year. Today’s announcement supports local authority projects that deliver environmental improvements for everyone to enjoy. The programme focuses on improving air quality, environmental noise and tranquil green spaces.”

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Author: Mike Hedges MS
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