Applications invited to establish a Public Policy Institute for Wales

The process of establishing a Public Policy Institute for Wales has been launched by First Minister, Carwyn Jones.

The Public Policy Institute, a Programme for Government commitment, will help promote better outcomes for the people of Wales by strengthening the links between the Welsh Government and independent sources of expert policy advice, thereby improving the effectiveness of policy development and service delivery in Wales.

Applications are being encouraged from a wide range of interested parties, including think tanks, research institutes and Higher Education Institutions, which will enable the Welsh Government to consider a number of possible models.

The First Minister announced his intention to establish the Institute during a major speech on public services in Wales earlier this year. The First Minister said he wants the new institute, which will be arms-length from government but working closely with it, to be a small, flexible team with strong intellectual credentials. Its role will be to help the Welsh Government tap into the best ideas, research and evidence, working collaboratively with a network of specialists from across the board – from academia to think-tanks.

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Author: Mike Hedges MS
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