New unit to help protect businesses from crime

The Welsh Government’s Business Minister, Edwina Hart, has announced she is setting up a Wales Business Crime Unit to help protect businesses from crime – a commitment set out in the Welsh Labour manifesto and Programme for Government.

The Welsh Government Unit will provide overall leadership to raise awareness of business crime and its economic impact, and equip Welsh businesses with the knowledge and tools to be aware, vigilant and ultimately protect themselves from crime.

This will be achieved through online tools and guides with advice and good practice disseminated through business support activities and seminars. The Unit will deliver a programme of actions to both protect and educate businesses across all sectors in business crime prevention and cyber-security, and provide an opportunity for businesses in the ICT Sector to add to their portfolio of service.

The Unit will work to ensure that Police forces in Wales are aware of significant business crime issues, both on an all Wales basis and at a local level, and able to take further steps to help protect business. A Business Crime stakeholder/industry panel of experts with representatives from business (potential victims and responders), Police and Government will be established to act as a multi-agency engagement, advice and support group steering the development and implementation of the Business Crime Unit.

Business Minister Edwin Hart said the provision of additional funding to cover the cost of a small number of warranted officers specifically targeted at business crime was explored but was not feasible as police management practices do not allow for specific targeting of resources in such a way.

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Author: Mike Hedges MS
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