Mike Hedges AM backs Wear Red Day

Mike Hedges AM backs Wear Red Day

Local AM Mike Hedges AM, will be wearing red on Friday to show support of the Show Racism the Red Card campaign.

Mike Hedges AM is encouraging residents in Swansea East to join them in showing solidarity with the campaign. Particularly following the dreadful scenes of racist chanting at the Bulgaria v England match earlier this week and reports of a 10% rise in hate crime in England and Wales.

Mike Hedges AM said “Show Racism the Red Card do great work delivering anti-racism training, across Wales and in Swansea East” I am proud to show my support and would encourage others to do so.”

“It is incredibly disappointing to read about the rise in hate crime and I know that we are certainly not immune to this in Swansea East.”

“We must all do all we can to challenge racism wherever we see it and that is why campaigns like this are so important.”

Wear Red Day is a national day of action which encourages schools, businesses & individuals to wear red and donate £1 to help facilitate the delivery of anti-racism education for young people & adults.

Link to story about rise in hate crime

Link to Wear Red Day Page

Wear Red Day

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Author: Mike Hedges MS
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