Mike Hedges AM welcomes news that Welsh Government to promote retro-fitting of sprinklers in high-rise buildings.


Mike Hedges AM welcomes news that Welsh Government to promote retro-fitting of sprinklers in high-rise buildings.

Mike Hedges said….. I welcome this news – following the Grenfell Tower Fire, it is surely right that all types of high rise building have sprinklers fitted. Cost cannot be allowed to be an issue here and I hope that when the more detailed plans are announced, there will be support for Local Authorities to retro fit sprinklers to their high rise properties, both residential and office blocks.

The Welsh Government will promote the retrofitting of sprinklers in high-rise buildings, Housing and Local Government Minister Julie James announced earlier this week.

The Minister made the announcement following the publication of the expert group on building safety’s ‘roadmap’ for improving fire safety in high-rise buildings. While the Welsh government will respond to the group’s recommendation more fully in due course, the Minister confirmed she will accept the recommendation from the roadmap to promote the retro-fitting of sprinklers.

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Author: Mike Hedges MS
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