Evidence backs 50p minimum unit price for alcohol in Wales

Evidence backs 50p minimum unit price for alcohol in Wales
A local Assembly Member Mike Hedges AM has backed the decision to go ahead with 50p minimum unit price for alcohol in Wales following a public consultation.

In 2017, there were 540 alcohol-related deaths in Wales and in 2017-18, there were nearly 55,000 alcohol-related hospital admissions. All alcohol-related deaths and alcohol-related hospital admissions are preventable.
The National Assembly supported minimum pricing when the Public Health (Minimum Price for Alcohol) (Wales) Bill was passed last year.
The Welsh Government intends to lay regulations to the National Assembly for Wales, specifying 50p unit price for its consideration later this year.
50p minimum unit price strikes a reasonable balance between the anticipated public health and social benefits and intervention in the market
Mike Hedges AM said: “Swansea East, like much of Wales, has a problem with cheap, strong, readily-available alcohol.
“Minimum unit pricing is not a silver bullet, but it will be a major new and important tool in our approach to reducing alcohol consumption. By introducing a minimum price, we can make a difference – as we have done with the smoking ban, which demonstrated our determination to create a different future for the people of Wales.
“Alcohol is a major cause of death and illness in Wales. It leads to a number of health and social harms, particularly for the significant minority of people in Swansea East who drink to excess.”

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Author: Mike Hedges MS
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