Mike calls on Assembly to back Equal Marriage campaign

Labour’s Swansea East Assembly Member, Mike Hedges, has tabled an Assembly Statement of Opinion (SOP) calling on Welsh Assembly Members from all political parties to back the campaign for introducing equal marriage in England and Wales.

The Assembly Statement, which has so far received cross party support from AMs, recognises the positive work that has been done by LGBT charities and organisations in promoting the case for equal marriage and also calls upon all Welsh MPs to vote in favour of introducing same-sex marriage in any future vote held in the UK Parliament.

Speaking on the Statement of Opinion, Labour AM Mike Hedges said:

“In my opinion, I don’t believe it can be justified or right to deny two people in love, regardless of their sexual orientation, the opportunity to commit by getting married. Even though the introduction of civil partnerships in 2005 was a major step towards equality, there is still much work than needs to be done before we have true equality in this country.

“The Statement recognises this and I’m calling on all Assembly Members, regardless of their political affiliation, to sign-up and support the campaign for introducing equal marriage.

“Although the Assembly doesn’t have legislative powers to introduce same-sex marriage in Wales, I think this Statement will send a clear message to our Parliamentary colleagues that the campaign for equal marriage has strong support across the political spectrum and that voting in favour of it would help us move to a more fair and equal society.”

Andrew White, Director of Stonewall Cymru, said:

“YouGov polling for our Living Together report shows a majority of people support equal marriage, so it’s heartening to see this latest indication of support from the Assembly. It also vindicates Stonewall Cymru’s hard work over the last decade to achieve cross-party support for equality for lesbian, gay and bisexual people living in Wales. We’ll continue pressing the case for equal marriage in Cardiff and with equal vigour in Westminster.”

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Author: Mike Hedges MS
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