Press release on GP Opening Hours

Mike Hedges WELCOMES news that GP surgeries in Wales open for longer


Mike said.. I welcome the news that the hours that our GP services are open are lengthening; it is a constant concern for Residents in Swansea East that they have access to GP Surgeries across a range of times; this news confirms that this is occurring and is another example of where the Welsh Labour Government are delivering for the people of Swansea.


More GP surgeries in Wales are open for longer, making it easier for people to access health services, new figures published show.


Welsh Labour’s Health and Social Services Minister Mark Drakeford said the figures show the Welsh Labour Government is delivering on one of its key Programme for Government commitments.


The figures show that in 2015:

  • 82% of GP practices      were open for daily core hours (8am to 6.30pm Mondays to Fridays) or      within one hour of the daily core hours up  from 60% in 2011
  • 97% of practices      offered appointments at any time between 5pm and 6.30pm on at least two      week days, up from 92% in 2011
  • 79% of practices      offered appointments at any time between 5pm and 6.30pm every day, up from      63% in 2011
  • The percentage of      practices closed half day on one week day has fallen from 19% in 2011 to      4% in 2015.

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Author: Mike Hedges MS
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