Question to Leighton Andrews RE how many of 62 recommendations of Commission of Public Service have been implimented

7. How many of the 62 recommendations made by the Commission on Public Service Governance and Delivery have been implemented? OAQ(4)0632(PS)

Leighton Andrews

We set an ambitious reform agenda for public services in Wales last year and we are implementing the strategic actions committed to in that announcement. These relate to 60 of the 62 Williams commission recommendations, but are not limited to them.


Mike Hedges

Thank you, Minister. I expected a number then. Will the Minister produce a timeline for the implementation of the rest and indicate which ones are no longer being brought forward?


Leighton AndrewsBywgraffiadBiography

Well, I’m happy to publish an update on the implementation of the Williams recommendations and, let me say, there are two, specifically, that are not being taken forward, which are recommendations 12 and 19 in respect of community health councils and in respect of a proposed merger of Cadw and the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Wales

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Author: Mike Hedges MS
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