New tribunal figures show “justice only for the rich” claims Swansea AM


Swansea’s Labour AM Mike Hedges has today expressed concern at UK Government figures showing a huge drop in the number of Welsh workers taking claims to employment tribunals.

The latest employment tribunal figures released this week by the Ministry of Justice show that there’s been a 67% drop in the number of claims in Wales in comparison to figures from 2013 prior to the introduction of tribunal fees. The figures also show that Wales has seen the biggest drop in the number of claims being made by individuals in comparison to other regions in the UK.

Commenting on today’s figures, Mike Hedges AM said:

“Let’s not forget that employment tribunals play an important role for both employees and employers. They give employees the right to justice when they have been unfairly treated or dismissed, and they give employers the right to be vindicated and exonerated when false or dubious claims have been made.

“What I’m alarmed at is this huge drop in the number of claims being made in Wales since tribunal fees of £1,200 were brought in last year. Justice should be available for all, but it now seems that justice is only available to the rich that can afford to pay to go to tribunals. What we must now ask ourselves is just how many people have been priced out of accessing justice in the workplace as a result of these excessive and unequal fees?”

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Author: Mike Hedges MS
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