New National Procurement Service announced

A new National Procurement Service for Wales (NPS) that could generate savings of £25m per year across the public sector and create new opportunities for Welsh businesses has been announced this month by the Welsh Government.  

The new service, which will be hosted within the Welsh Government, will be used to set up and manage contracts for common and repetitive spend across the public sector in Wales. It will also develop local supply chains to make sure Welsh businesses benefit from public sector spend.  Common and repetitive goods and services comprise about 20 – 30% of the total public sector procurement expenditure of £4.3 billion and include items such as stationery, office furniture, professional services, IT hardware and software and fleet.

The NPS is planned to go live in November 2013. The annual running cost of the NPS is expected to be £2.4m. The first three full years will be funded from the Welsh Government’s Invest-to-Save Fund after which time the NPS will revert to a self-funding supplier rebate model.


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Author: Mike Hedges MS
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