£500,000 funding boost for Swansea regeneration projects

News that two Swansea based projects have been awarded more than £500,000 of Welsh Government Regeneration Area funding has been welcomed by Labour’s Swansea East AM, Mike Hedges.

The Waterfront Connections project, which is run by Labour-led City and County of Swansea with the aim of strengthening the links for pedestrians and cyclists between the City Centre and its waterfront, has been awarded £350,000. The Haford Cooper Works project, a joint initiative between CCS and Swansea University to preserve an integral part of the story of the Swansea Copper industry, is to receive £158,000.

The funding for the Waterfront Connections project will enable improvements such as landscaping, additional tree planting and an enhanced public art programme and signage works to complement the Boulevard scheme. The project is part of the overall programme of works that fall under the Swansea Waterfront City, a £32m project funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the Regeneration Area programme and CCS. This investment will increase the total Regeneration Area match funding contribution to £6.35m.

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Author: Mike Hedges MS
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