Support for children at risk of neglect in Wales

The Welsh Labour Government has today approved funding of £75,000 for a project to identify and help children at risk of neglect in Wales.

The project, proposed and delivered by NSPCC and Action for Children, will develop a stronger national approach to ensure neglected children get the help they need. This includes more timely identification, training for multi-disciplinary frontline professionals, adoption of evidence-based tools, and provision of effective responses to all children where there are concerns about neglect.

The project will build on existing knowledge, resources and expertise on child neglect and recommendations will be made to the Welsh Government on how to improve multi-agency responses to address child neglect in Wales.

Neglect accounts for almost half of children with a child protection plan in Wales. Responses to neglect need to be proportionate and a better understanding of the distinction between unintentional neglect, which often results from poor parenting skills, and wilful neglect which requires the involvement of social services, is required.


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Author: Mike Hedges MS
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