£3.24m for Singleton Hospital Neonatal Unit

Welsh Government capital funding of £3.241m will improve services for the treatment of sick babies across South West Wales, Health Minister Lesley Griffiths announced today.

The Health Minister has approved funding for the major refurbishment of the Neonatal Unit at Singleton Hospital, Swansea to provide a safe, sustainable and high quality service to support babies and their families in the Abertawe Bro Morgannwg Health Board area.

The Unit provides services across South West Wales for mothers with high risk pregnancies who are transferred from other units to give birth. It also cares for sick babies born as early as 23 weeks, transferred from other units for intensive care.

The refurbishment will provide isolation facilities and allow the Neo natal Unit at Singleton to ‘flex’ cots from 12 to 18 Intensive Treatment/High Dependency cots depending on the level of care required. Also included in the plans are beds for parents, a quiet room and new storage facilities.

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Author: Mike Hedges MS
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