£450,000 for Employment Support in Communities First Areas

Carl Sargeant, Welsh Labour’s Minister for Local Government and Communities, has announced that the Welsh Government is providing over £450,000 to deliver employment support and advice in Communities First areas.

 Funding totalling £452,648 will be available until March 2015 so that Jobcentre Plus can work with Communities First clusters to help workless families and in particular lone parents back into work by providing them with local employment advice services. This project builds on the highly successful pilot that Job Centre Wales ran in Integrated Children’s Centres between 2010 and 2012 and will play a key role in our efforts to tackle poverty.

 The project will deliver local support to parents with children aged under 5 and also strives to identify and support those parents who are the hardest to reach that are living within the community.

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Author: Mike Hedges MS
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