Speaking from his Morriston Office, Swansea East MS, Mike Hedges said… I get a lot of complaints, especially from pet owners regarding the use of Fireworks all year round; they are no longet just used at Bonfire night. Fireworks cause distress to animals and I feel it would be best if we could restrict their sale so that only authorised displays can see their use.

I am worried this year that because of the COVID 19 virus restrictions there will be no organised dispays and a higher number of people buying fireworks for their back gardens.

No one wants to be a kill joy but indiscrinate use of Fireworks causes alarm to pet owners and elderly people. I would like to see extra restrictions placed on their use

Mike Hedges MS – second, and this is fairly apt at this time of the year, a statement on the use of fireworks throughout the year, especially this time of the year, and what the Welsh Government or local authorities can do to limit the use of fireworks? Because I can tell you, in Swansea East, not a month goes by without a firework display going off somewhere.

Rebecca Evans MS

Mike Hedges is absolutely right on that second point. I think I also see those firework displays across Swansea on a regular basis as well. We do recognise that the cancellation of so many organised events this year does risk an increase in the use of fireworks in people’s gardens. We know that the powers to make those regulations lie under the Fireworks Act 2003, and that rests with UK Government Ministers, which is why we’re seeking to work really closely with the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy in Westminster, which is responsible for fireworks regulations. We’re urging a really strong UK Government response to the recommendations that have been made by the recent House of Commons Petitions Committee report on fireworks, and officials in Welsh Government are also currently working with BEIS on public messaging for the upcoming bonfire season, and also with Global Action Plan to raise awareness of the air-quality impacts of bonfires and fireworks on Clean Air Day as well.9

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Author: Mike Hedges MS
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